What if everything you thought you knew about the rules and regulations surrounding Rudraksha was wrong? In this article, we will be contesting common beliefs and understanding why we are free to find our own way when it comes to Rudraksha.
Although some guidelines circulate online, most are man-made. Simply put, human rules cannot govern a natural, divine seed. One of the only seeds with a natural hole perfect for threading, this signifies that Rudraksha are meant to be worn by us.
Why are there so many contradicting rules?
Many prevalent rules today are birthed out of personal opinions and individual biases. For instance, some say that women should not wear Rudraksha during their periods, claiming negative energies, among other reasons. These "gurus" are outdated, viewing it as impurity, instead of the natural process that it is. They conduct zero research into these claims, and yet expect people to follow their guidance. With the ancient texts recommending constant wearing of Rudraksha, this rule is completely unfounded.
Additionally, the ancient texts do not cover all the available faces (E.g.: The Shiva Purana mentions up to the 14 face). Much of our knowledge comes from research and experience, as the wisdom from the ancient texts is not complete. We are also not able to rely on oral traditions, which are fluid and constantly changing.
Do Rudraksha only work for those who follow the so-called "rules"?
First, we must realise that Rudraksha are Lord Shiva's blessings to each and every one of us, to guide us in our journey. The fact that we require guidance and assistance suggests that we - both you and I - are imperfect people. In fact, every human being on this Earth is imperfect; we each have our own set of flaws and vices.
If Rudraksha were reserved only for those who follow the arbitrary 'rules' and are perfect individuals, none would wear them. There is not one person who is entirely pure or righteous; we are all works in progress - even if this is unseen by the external world. Therefore, we must recognise that Rudraksha serve as agents of change - meant for imperfect people. The Rudraksha we wear foster growth and righteousness, but we will never attain perfection.
Embrace your imperfection and be yourself, for your Rudraksha values you as you are and will guide you towards the best version of yourself. For example, it is commonly thought that you should not smoke, drink liquor, etc. while wearing Rudraksha. Some online 'gurus' even advise removing the beads during such activities, suggesting dishonesty towards the Rudraksha and hiding such activities from it. The truth is, your Rudraksha, prioritising your wellbeing, may help you overcome cravings for such activities gradually. This occurs naturally, so just be yourself and leave the rest to your Rudraksha.
What are the true guidelines I should follow?
You're probably wondering, "Why do Rudraksha work wonders for some and have little to no effect on others?" By following the guidelines below, you will strengthen the connection between you and your Rudraksha, thereby enhancing its benefits:
1. Having Faith:
Trusting your Rudraksha and believing in its power is vital for its effectiveness. By having faith in your beads, your connection will deepen, and your Rudraksha will be encouraged to impact your life positively. Allow yourself to be guided by your Rudraksha, and you will witness many fresh blessings in your life.
2. Expressing Gratitude:
Every day, take a few seconds to give thanks to your Rudraksha for its effect on your life. There is always goodness in our day; we just have to be perceptive enough to recognise it. Expressing gratitude makes your Rudraksha feel appreciated. Just as you and I work better when we feel appreciated and valued, your Rudraksha works the same way.
When beginning your Rudraksha journey, the changes may not be drastic, as the connection would not be properly established. However, by giving thanks for even the very minute things, you will witness the benefits grow bigger and bigger, with time.
3. Showing Love and Care:
While similar to the previous point, this involves showing general affection for your bead, not just expressing gratitude when good things happen. For example, keeping your Rudraksha clean and glowing is one way to display your love.
4. Displaying Devotion and Respect:
A majority of the people who use their Rudraksha for chanting / meditation report experiencing increased benefits and a deeper connection with their beads afterwards. This might be a good way to strengthen your connection with your Rudraksha.
Rudraksha wearing rules for males / Rudraksha wearing rules for females: Are they different?
There is a common misconception that the rules for men and women are different; some even go to the extreme by falsely stating that women should not wear Rudraksha. The ancient scriptures do not separate Rudraksha usage by male or female; it is clearly stated that Rudraksha should be used by all genders. Therefore, the rules for men and women are the exact same - Rudraksha can be worn constantly, even during periods (For ladies).
Am I only allowed to wear a 5 face (Panchmukhi) Rudraksha?
One of the most common misconceptions is that only the 5 face Rudraksha is suitable for usage. This myth is in circulation due to the commonness of the 5 face (Around 70% of Rudraksha tend to be the 5 face).
Many sellers are able to procure large amounts of these beads and spread the misinformation that only the 5 face Rudraksha is suitable for everyone as this means:
- they need to do zero research and studies into the other types, making their job easier
- they need to make lower initial investment for products, due to the comparatively lower prices
- they can monitor their inventory levels easily, as having just one type is much simpler to manage
- they are able to push the same product to everyone, as it is affordable enough to be bought by anyone
- they do not have to procure the other types, which is difficult due to the small quantity available and the higher prices
This misinformation is especially prevalent in stores that are not fully focused on Rudraksha, due to their other commitments.
At Shivaya Bless, we recognise that each individual has different needs and wants, and each Rudraksha serves a unique purpose. That is why we have the full collection of Rudraksha, which includes each and every type.
Frequently-Asked Questions
Who can wear Rudraksha?
Can anyone wear Rudraksha?
Rudraksha are natural blessings, and do not discriminate. They can be owned by all, regardless of gender, religion, culter, race, etc.
Can children wear Rudraksha?
Yes; children under 18years should begin with the 4-5-6 combination.
Can pregnant women wear Rudraksha?
Yes, there are even certain Rudraksha (E.g.: Gauri Ganesh) that are specifically meant for pregnancy.
This is not medical advice. If unsure, please consult a medical professional first.
Can I wear Rudraksha if I follow a different religion?
Yes, Rudraksha do not discriminate, and are meant to bless people from all religions. At Shivaya Bless, we have serviced people from a wide variety of religions - Hindu, Buddhist, Taoist, Christian, Catholic, Islam, Atheist, etc.
Can I wear Rudraksha if I have a skin disorder (E.g.: Psoriasis / Vitiligo) or allergies?
Yes, Rudraksha are natural seeds and generally will not harm your skin. Certain types of Rudraksha also alleviate diseases of the skin / allergies. If you are unable to wear Rudraksha, you may still keep it at home, in your bag, etc.
This is not medical advice. If unsure, please consult a medical professional first.
Can animals wear Rudraksha?
Yes; Rudraksha do not discriminate, and are meant for all beings. Usually, owners who get Rudraksha do so for their pets' health problems or general well-being.
What Rudraksha can I wear?
Any face can be owned by anyone - other than the one face, which has immense power and should only be owned if it is compatible or a part of powerful sets like the Indrakshi. Calculations are also done for the Kubera (21-29 face), to identify the most suitable one for each person.
When can I wear my Rudraksha?
Can I wear Rudraksha while showering?
Yes. This also supports the enhanced diffusion of the bead's properties. However, take note of the following:
- Avoid harsh chemicals - these can cause damage and increased fragility
- Rinse the beads under running water if they have been exposed to chemicals
- Prolonged exposure to water will likely reduce the string's lifespan
Can I wear Rudraksha to the washroom?
Yes; this is based on your personal preference. If you are afraid of getting your beads dirty, you may also remove them first, and wear them again afterwards.
Can I wear Rudraksha while sleeping?
Yes. Rudraksha tend to have a calming effect on the wearer, so it should support deeper, more restful sleep. They should also improve your general health and well-being - the longer you wear them, the greater the extent of their health benefits. Rudraksha are durable beads, so chances of breakage are minimal.
Can I eat meat / non-vegetarian food while wearing Rudraksha?
Yes; you need not force a superficial change in yourself to wear Rudraksha. Be yourself, and your beads will prioritise your well-being, guiding you accordingly. This is clearly mentioned in the ancient scriptures.
Can I drink alcohol / liquor while wearing Rudraksha?
Yes; you need not force a superficial change in yourself to wear Rudraksha. Be yourself, and your beads will prioritise your well-being, guiding you accordingly. This is clearly mentioned in the ancient scriptures.
Can I smoke while wearing Rudraksha?
Yes; you need not force a superficial change in yourself to wear Rudraksha. Be yourself, and your beads will prioritise your well-being, guiding you accordingly.
Can I wear Rudraksha during meditation / yoga?
Absolutely. People tend to use Rudraksha especially during these activities to establish a deeper meditative state and enhance their calm and focus.
Can I wear my Rudraksha while playing sports or exercising?
Yes, Rudraksha are durable. However, be mindful, ensure they are securely fastened and take care of your beads.
- Rinse your Rudraksha under running water afterwards, to remove any sweat.
- Avoid any direct impact to the bead, as excessive force may cause breakage.
Can I wear Rudraksha into a swimming pool?
Yes. However, some pools have high levels of chlorine, which is considered a harsh chemical and may damage the bead or make it more fragile. Be careful, ensure they are securely fastened and take care of your beads. Rinse your Rudraksha under running water afterwards
Can I wear Rudraksha into the ocean?
This is not advisable, as many of our clients tend to lose their Rudraksha in the ocean. Moreover, saltwater may damage the bead. If you still choose to bring your Rudraksha into the sea, please rinse under running water afterwards.
Can I wear Rudraksha while fasting?
Yes. Rudraksha may also enhance any spiritual practices that you do during this.
Can I wear Rudraksha during intimacy?
Can I wear Rudraksha to visit a newborn?
Yes. Your Rudraksha only affects you, the owner; it will not affect them.
Can I wear Rudraksha to wakes / funerals?
Yes. Most Rudraksha offer a certain level of protection, and repel harmful negative energies. These benefits are especially crucial when going to wakes / funerals.
*Rudraksha do not absorb negative energy, so there is no harm in bringing them.
Ladies: Can I wear Rudraksha while on my period?
Yes, you may wear your Rudraksha constantly. There are no restrictions surrounding this, so do not worry and always keep your Rudraksha with you.
What should I do prior to wearing my Rudraksha?
When should I begin wearing my Rudraksha?
Most wear their Rudraksha immediately after receiving them. However, if you prefer an auspicious time, begin wearing your Rudraksha on a Monday morning after showering.
Do I have to energise my Rudraksha through a puja (Worship ritual) or prayer before usage?
No, energisation rituals are optional. Rudraksha are naturally energetic and powerful; they do not have to be energised. Many sellers recommend these rituals and overcharge for them.
How should I wear my Rudraksha?
Must I wear my Rudraksha?
You may choose to wear or keep it. Wearing is better for health benefits and a stronger connection. However, keeping it will still help with all other goals, like wealth creation and protection. There are also certain products specifically meant for keeping at home (E.g.: Cash box combination for wealth).
Can I mix different types / mukhi / faces of Rudraksha together?
Yes, Rudraksha do not clash with each other and can be included in any combination, as per your wishes. Combinations like the Siddha and Indrakshi are well-known and widely referenced in the ancient texts.
Do I have to wear my Rudraksha in odd numbers? (E.g.: Total bead count = 3, 5, 7, etc.)
While it is claimed that an odd number of beads may be more auspicious than an even number, such statements are unfounded and have no merit. Choose based on the Rudraksha types you require, not based on the total bead count.
Can I wear Rudraksha mixed with other jewellery or religious/spiritual items?
Yes; they can be worn with crystals, woods, amulets, etc. without any clash.
What string or metal should I use to hold my Rudraksha?
Your Rudraksha's power is unaffected by the string / metal used to hold it. Only the Rudraksha matters.
- You may use any string colour. Some people choose based on their lucky colours or skin tone's match.
- Some people prefer using a string made of natural materials (E.g.: Silk). This depends on your personal preference.
- You may use any metal (Copper, silver and gold are most commonly used). Note that even if sellers claim their silver does not tarnish, all silver tarnishes over time - only a protective coating can be applied to prevent this temporarily.
Can I only wear Rudraksha around my neck / throat?
No. Rudraksha can also be worn around the wrist, finger, arm, waist, etc. (This list is not exhaustive). Many may wear it around their necks as it is discrete and unobstructive, but you may decide how and where to wear your Rudraksha.
Which hand should I wear my Rudraksha bracelets on?
Lord Shiva wears his Rudraksha on both of his hands. Following this, you may wear your Rudraksha on either hand, or both.
Can I wear my Rudraksha bracelet together with my watch / bracelet?
Yes, it is fine to wear your Rudraksha bracelet alongside your watch or other bracelets - just ensure that it is comfortable for you.
Can I wear the same Rudraksha mala that I use for chanting?
Yes, there are no restrictions against this. It depends on your personal preference. While some sellers suggest separate Rudraksha for each purpose, this is usually a ploy for you to purchase more Rudraksha from them. Using the same beads for chanting and wearing can help establish a deeper, more personal connection.
Can I wear Rudraksha on my waist?
Yes, if you find that comfortable.
Please get in touch with us to place a custom order for this.
How should I maintain my Rudraksha?
Do I have to clean my Rudraksha?
This is optional, but cleaning your Rudraksha restores their natural brilliance and extends their lifespan such that you may continue receiving their blessings. It is also a way of showing love and deepening your connection with your Rudraksha.
Learn the right method and frequency of cleaning your Rudraksha
Do I have to condition my Rudraksha with ghee and milk?
This method is commonly used for Rudraksha cleaning. While it helps clean and hydrate the bead, it increases the risk of insects / pests.
Learn the right method and frequency of cleaning your Rudraksha
Do I have to periodically cleanse my Rudraksha?
This is optional, as Rudraksha repel negative energy; they do not absorb it. However, if would still like to cleanse your Rudraksha, you may expose it to rainwater for a moment. Singing bowl cleansing rituals should only be performed before wearing your Rudraksha for the first time, as it will break the connection.
Do I have to periodically energise my Rudraksha?
This is optional, and is unneccessary if you are constantly in contact with your Rudraksha. However, if your Rudraksha is kept away and seldom interacted with, you may expose it to sunlight for a moment to re-energise your bead.
Do I have to pray / meditate with my Rudraksha?
While this is optional, each Rudraksha has specific mantras and those who use their Rudraksha for chanting / meditation report experiencing increased benefits and a deeper connection with their beads. This activity may help strengthen your connection with your Rudraksha, encouraging them to work better in your favour.
Where should I keep my Rudraksha when I am not wearing it?
The altar is usually preferred as your bead can absorb the positive energies that tend to be present there. Do not allow your Rudraksha to touch the floor.
Do I have to periodically replace my Rudraksha beads?
No, Rudraksha beads do not have an expiration date. Your Rudraksha beads are meant to last you a lifetime. The longer you wear your Rudraksha, the deeper the connection and thus, the stronger the effect.
Can I share Rudraksha with others?
Can I show my Rudraksha to others?
Yes, showing your Rudraksha to others has no detriment. If you would rather keep it hidden, you may wear it under your shirt so that it is concealed.
Can I let others touch my Rudraksha?
Many sellers claim that your Rudraksha should not be touched by others as the beads will absorb their negative energy. However, they are under the assumption that Rudraksha are similar to crystals, which absorb the energies they are exposed to. In actual fact, Rudraksha repel negative energies, and do not absorb them. Thus, others touching your Rudraksha has no impact on the effectiveness.
Can I share / give my Rudraksha to others?
Avoid this as they are connected to you; you do not want to shatter this connection. You may gift new Rudraksha.
Can I share about Rudraksha with others?
Absolutely. Talking about your own Rudraksha experiences and the positive transformations you have seen will inspire others to take the step for themselves and advance in life. Not only will the recipients benefit, but your own Rudraksha will also love you more and work harder for you.
Can I gift Rudraksha to others?
Absolutely. By gifting Rudraksha, not only will the recipients benefit, but your own Rudraksha will also love you more and work harder for you.
Can I use Rudraksha that were given to me as gifts?
Yes, if you are receive your Rudraksha as a gift and do not pay for it, there is nothing wrong. It will work as per normal, and has chosen to come to you.
What should I do if something happens?
What should I do if my Rudraksha bead breaks?
It is best to replace any broken beads with new, healthy pieces. It is believed that if your Rudraksha breaks or splits, an obstacle / crisis has been avoided. If you would like to dispose your Rudraksha, thank your Rudraksha then return it to the Earth by burying it next to a tree's roots.
What should I do if the string holding my Rudraksha breaks?
You may have your Rudraksha restrung on a new string. It is believed that if your string breaks, an obstacle / crisis has been avoided.
What should I do if I lose my Rudraksha?
You should replace any lost Rudraksha. It is believed that if your Rudraksha goes missing, an obstacle / crisis has been avoided and it has returned to Lord Shiva. If you are lucky, your Rudraksha may return when you call it with love and affection.
How do I dispose my Rudraksha?
You may return it to the Earth by burying it next to a tree's roots.
Do whatever feels right - whether that is following the rules you have heard or your personal preferences. Ultimately, each individual's Rudraksha journey is unique, and should be guided based on personal intuition and beliefs, rather than arbitrary rules. These divine seeds are meant to support each and every one of us, regardless of our imperfections and ways of life. Allow your Rudraksha to mold you into the best version of yourself, through faith, appreciation, love, and respect.